SMARTWIRE Hardwired Nurse Call MK2 & TWR

- New dynamic SmartWire Hard-Wired / Wireless combined Nurse Call system
- Advanced hardwired Nurse Call features with all the extra benefits of our TWR wireless spread spectrum long-range technology devices.
- Accepts all our TWR wireless devices (Bluetooth Fall & Vibration pendants, Blow switches, Wireless call points, wireless smoke detectors and interfaces, PIR inactivity detectors etc.
- Wireless & Hardwired seamlessly interacting all across the same bus.
- Low-cost bus wiring either in loop or star configuration
- RS-232 data interface
- 500 call points per master controller (8 Maximin across the private IP Network per installation with up to 4000 hardwired and or wireless devices combined)
- Five call types (Emergency, Staff Assist, Patient Call, Wet Area call, Nurse presence)
- Complies with Australian Hard-Wired Nurse Call Standard AS3811 and wireless devices AS4268.2012
- Continuous bus monitoring and diagnostics (watchdog)
- Audio and visual indication
- Standard 12VDC supply
- Automatic escalation (If selected) per device or call point that allow single intelligent call points/Wireless devices to do the job of three separate call points
- Special AutoTex AM antibacterial coatings allowing for easy cleaning as well as bacterial protection
- Intelligent call points that ignore a blank patient push socket if no plug is present on power-up of the system
- Digital Display Units (DDU) that may be zoned with the use of Display Controller Interfaces as well as LCD monitors screens
- Common corridor Light setup on call points allows a single call point to activate all attached corridor lights
- Multiple SmartLite Displays that may be driven from a single SmartWire Master Unit and or multiple Master units across the entire bus system.